This self-contained 1368 sq ft unit, benefits from being fitted with 2 gas fired low bake ovens, 3 phase electricity, and as such is built as a vehicle bodyshop unit. It can however be used for most other industrial and storage uses. STOP PRESS!! Now available with a secure yard / wash down area ( space for 6 / 8 cars) Also has 5 designated parking spaces included.
The unit has the following features:-
- 12ft Electric Roller Shutter Door.
- Outside Parking for 5 cars
- 3-phase Electricity
- 2 x Gas-fired Low-bake Ovens.
Available from 3 months up to 9 years. Rent just £1,500 per calendar month. Flexible terms. Available for immediate occupation.
To request further information on this office unit, please complete the form below.